Point of view

Time: 2 minutes for your presentation– 1 minute per response 

As Point of View Master, you are in control of the meeting for a short period towards the end of the meeting. You must be mindful of the time. Conclude the session to allow an appropriate interval for the Um & Ah Counter to conduct that session, and the Chairman to close the meeting by 10pm.

Prior to starting your presentation, for the benefit of the guests and new members, announce the rules to be observed during the session, i.e., the number of speakers to respond (determine this by time available), the time limit, the format– “against” and “for”, and that each speaker can only speak once during the session. If you feel that you need more time for the discussion, ask the Chairman for an extension of time, e.g. another 3 minutes or so.

This assignment is an opportunity for a short, persuasive/emotional speech.

It can be on a subject that concerns you, or a topical comment on current affairs. It should not be written out and ideally, should be presented without the use of notes.

After the presentation, invite members to comment alternating between “against” and “for” in that order, to generate a constructive discussion. Either ask for volunteers to speak, or select people at random to speak. Consider the time available and nominate the number of speaker accordingly. You must control proceedings by only allowing each person one opportunity to comment, no one should speak a second time.

Conclude the session with a brief summary of opinions and hand back to the Chairman.