Time: 3 minutes
The role of grammarian is truly an exercise in expanding your listening skills. The session should be educational, entertaining and enjoyable. The grammarian role can have two parts. You can select a “Word of the Night” as well as comment on grammar used during the meeting.
Usually, the meeting agenda will have a “Word of the Day”, the word is to help members increase their vocabulary. It should be a word that can be incorporated easily into everyday conversation but is different from the way people usually express themselves. An adjective or adverb is suggested since they are more adaptable than a noun or verb, but feel free to select your own word.
The grammarian’s position on the meeting agenda is towards the end of the meeting. Ask the Chairman to bring everyone’s attention to the “Word of the Day” at the beginning of the meeting, and explain that the grammarian will be commenting on the members usage of the word at the end of the meeting.
Throughout the meeting, listen for incorrect pronunciations, poorly enunciated words, incorrect grammatical forms, poor/faulty selection and use of words, and use of clichés.
Note any awkward use or misuse of the language (incomplete sentences, sentences that change direction in midstream, incorrect grammar, malapropisms, etc.) and make a general comment.
When highlighting an error or misuse of language, follow this immediately with an example of the correct usage.
Give praise where praise is due, compliment a speaker on an elegant turn of phrase, excellent use of words and picturesque or descriptive language, the correct use of an unusual word.
Also listen for any interesting words that may be used during the meeting, and with the assistance of the Club’s dictionary, read out the correct meaning of the word during your report.
Be careful of falling into the trap of being too fussy about what could be termed “schoolbook” grammar, and thus court the danger of being too pedantic. Occasionally, a deliberate breach of these rules can be used with considerable effect.