Master Evaluator

The Master Evaluator oversees evaluations of all meeting assignments, including:

  • Table Topics Evaluator(s)
  • Speech Evaluators
  • Grammarian
  • “Um” & “Ah” Counter
  • Timer

There is a comprehensive section on the role of “General Evaluator” in the back pages of the Competent Communication manual, which is worth reading. Miranda Toastmasters agenda lists the same role as “Master Evaluator”. The reason for the difference in the names is really unknown, but may be a result of numerous changes within the Toastmasters International program over the decades. Miranda Toastmasters was chartered in 1962. However, this section in the Miranda Toastmasters Assignment Guide should be your primary source of information to conduct the role of Master Evaluator at Miranda Toastmasters club meetings.

The Master Evaluator is one of the most important assignments on the agenda of any Toastmasters club. Well before the day of the meeting, it is the Master Evaluator’s responsibility to contact all the members who are scheduled on the agenda, to do the following assignments:

  • Timer 
  • Parliamentarian 
  • TableTopics Evaluator 
  • Speech Evaluators 
  • Grammarian 
  • Um & Ah counter

Ascertain the member’s availability for the meeting, and his/her understanding of the assignment. If an assigned member is unable to conduct the assignment, the Master Evaluator must advise the VP Education.

The Master Evaluator should provide a brief evaluation of those members who do not have an assigned evaluator. All members with assignments in the club meeting are evaluated, including any guests who take part in the meeting.

Following the speech session, you will be introduced by the Toastmaster, who will then hand control of the meeting over to you. You then conduct your session as follows: 

Explain your role to the meeting for the benefit of the visitors and guests. Provide your evaluation of:

  • The Call to Order by the Sergeant-at-Arms. 
  • The Invocation 
  • The Welcome to Guests. 
  • The Loyal and Second Toast

Call your evaluators in the following order:


Miranda Toastmasters Assignment Guide 2015 Call on the timer to present his/her report, which should include start/finish time of each segment of the program, plus the times of Table Topics answers (generally only those under 50 seconds and over 70 seconds), and the Speeches.  

Table Topics Evaluator(s) 

Call on the table topics evaluator(s) to present the evaluations of the Topics answers, and to nominate the “Best Table Topic” answer of the session.


Call on the parliamentarian to present the evaluation of the Chairman.

Speech Evaluators 

Call on the speech evaluators in turn, to present the evaluations of the speakers.

Advise the Timer of the time allowed for evaluation (2 to 3 minutes, maximum 3 minutes 30 seconds).

You may add your own comments on each speaker if you feel an important point was overlooked, and its mention could help the speaker for the next occasion.

Remember that the verbal evaluation given by the Speech Evaluator is only intended to cover the major points. You should also try and provide each Speech Evaluator with a brief evaluation. 


Call on the Grammarian to present the evaluation of grammar and words used during the meeting.

Um & Ah Counter 

Call on the um & ahcounter to present a report on the um’s, ah’s, repeated words, or any unusual noises or mannerisms of speech, by members and any visitors who may have participated in the meeting.

Evaluations Times 

Ask the timer for the times of each speech evaluation.


Thank your team of Evaluators for their contribution to the meeting.

Inform the Toastmaster that the Evaluation Session has been completed, and hand control of the meeting back to the Toastmaster.