Table Topic Evaluator

Time: 15 seconds per speaker– Do note repeat the topic/question - it is unnecessary and wastes time.

Table Topics evaluations are normally provided by two members together in an “evens & odds” arrangement, but can also be provided by only one member if necessary.

Time should be a major consideration when conducting the Table Topics evaluations session. It is best not to repeat the topic of each response, just comment on the positive aspects, offer a suggestion for improvement for each speaker and concluding on a positive note. Amongst other points, use the three following questions as a guide when considering your evaluation: 

  • What was good about the speech?
  • How can the speaker improve? 
  • Did he/she speak to the topic? 

When evaluating a speaker, avoid saying things like “It was one of your usual good speeches” without qualifying what you thought was good about the speech. Ask yourself “Why was it a good speech? Did it have a good opening? Was it logically constructed? Did the speaker use humour? Did the speaker create word pictures? Did the conclusion tie in with the rest of the speech? 

Every speaker can improve and members of Miranda Toastmasters want to improve, so try and avoid saying things like “There is nothing I can say which could help you improve your speaking”. Watch and listen, the better the speaker, the closer you must watch and listen, there will always be something that can be improved. The speakers wants to know about ittell them. Do not waste time repeating the question. 

Do not waste time discussing generalities. Do not waste time in telling stories. 

Remember, you have 10 minutes to evaluate all the answers in Table Topic’s session, give them something constructive to think about before the next session. 

Finally, select the member who gave the best response for the “Best Table Topic” award, and the member who most avoided the topic for the “Bottom of the Harbour” award. The Toastmaster will ask you during the voting section for the names of the members receiving these awards.